Sunday, 26 February 2017


During the reading and writing of my first AoL I realised that I was approaching the subject from a limited perspective.

Chatting it through with Adesola it was clear that I found it difficult to identify what 'captures' my learning, as learning for me in the Ofsted-fuelled and led world of FE has become (I am told) that if learning cannot be evidenced (on paper or via data in a spreadsheet) then it is not valid.  How sad, in the true sense of the meaning.

What resulted from the conversation was a shift from one, rather dry, approach, to a different perception of learning.   I literally felt my brain move.

Disequilibrium ensued as I tried desperately to work out where I was, what I was doing, and who I am in light of this!

Regaining (some) balance came from much thinking and wondering.

In essence, I needed to move from my anecdotal 'What I do and how I do it is evidence of my learning' (which is not wrong in itself, it is the truth after all), I needed to dig deeper to identify what encapsulates my learning in the broader sense.

An example could be:
AOL 1 - Project Management
AOL 2 - Mentoring
AOL 3 - Dispute Resolution

AOL 1 - Interpersonal Skills

Encapsulating the learning here, provides a greater opportunity to research and link theory to practice; a broader range of experience, knowledge, skills and abilities to be discussed, a deepening of how this has impacted learning as reflection takes place,  and a greater understanding of how this could further impact practice.

It's early days for me.  I am still scratching my head.  However, it has helped me to understand that my current perspectives, whilst not 'wrong', could change, and with that so could my practice.

Happy AOL'ing.

Saturday, 18 February 2017

Ethics.  Truth.  Reflection and observation.  Abstract conceptualisation.  Heuristic phenomenology.  Active experimentation.  Professional Vs. personal.

Is anyone else's head spinning?

I hope that other module 1 MAPP'ers are making a good start.

I think we are all realising that this is going to be a massive learning curve not only in terms of our professional practice but also in terms of 'who' we are and 'why'!

I have procrastinated quite a bit this week in terms of actual writing as I have thought hard (with furrowed brow) about all the above-mentioned concepts.
Maybe it has been my 'little breath' that Brandon mentioned.  At some point, however, I will need to gather it all up, untangle it and spread it over some AOL pages.

I have suddenly become aware that I have not shared 'actual' thinking processes in my blogs, like others have.
I think this is because it takes me a long time to process information and to explore all avenues before I come to a concrete concept.  I am a bit behind others in this aspect.  Perhaps it is simply fear of sharing on-going thought processes until I feel I have an 'answer'.  If that's the case, then I will need to think about that also!

I would very much like to hear how other module 1 people are doing with regards to identifying AOL's and, indeed, writing them...?

I need a plan.
I'm going to make a plan...



Thursday, 9 February 2017

The Beginning

Hello all, fellow new MAPPers.

How are you all feeling about starting the course?
I am excited and nervous!

I had a chat the other day with a friend who works as a business consultant / 'Life' consultant.  Prior to our chat, I had spent time analysing my CV and reflecting on my career to date in order to identify Areas of learning.  Talking through it with someone else was extremely helpful as she asked a lot of questions which challenged me to get to the root of 'why' I do what I do.  It was hard to really question why I do what I do everyday but it gave me a central point from which my AoL's fed from.

I am sure things will change and develop as I start next week but thought I'd share my first experience and ask how you are all getting on?

How will you / have you identified AoL's?
Is it a new experience or something you do within your role already?

I'm really looking forward to finding out more about what you do and sharing this learning experience with you...

Here we go!
