Monday 7 May 2018

Present as an Eye

Sunday morning’s skype provided much food for thought.

I have recently experienced a sense of being a little bit stuck, with no clear direction for the next step in relation to the professional artefact.

This led to a discussion and questions about ‘not knowing’ and how writing / studying can often over-shadow the self-action of learning - Identity and presence in.

I have not considered this before but feel it is an important area directly linked to the reflective and reflexive approach to the review of learning essays.

Do I think about what I am thinking about whilst I am stuck and thinking about how to do/complete something? No! I do not embrace these ‘gaps’ or ‘momentary suspension’ (Nancy Stark-Smith) - allowing ourselves to not know.

Being ‘present as an eye’ (Adesola) is a relationship between learning and not knowing.
Does not knowing have to urgently lead directly to learning? Scratch the itch as it were.

The fixed moment of ‘not knowing’ has another possibility.  Allow it.  Identify ones’ response to it.  This is where curiosity grows, and imagination and creativity can stretch out and explore.

What do you think?  How do you respond to not knowing?  Are you comfortable with it and see it as opportunity?

Next time I have a momentary suspension, a ‘gap’, or ‘suspense of reference point’ (Helen), I hope to allow it and go exploring.  

1 comment:

  1. I admit I struggle with not knowing, but I'm trying to settle in it. I do definitely see it as an opportunity, or maybe lots of opportunities. If I don't know, it must mean there's fascinating things to learn and process through, and I find that enjoyable, if sometimes uncomfortable.
